What is BWRT? (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy)

BWRT® stands for BrainWorking Recursive Therapy, a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by a UK-based psychotherapist, Terence Watts, MCGI.

It’s a totally confidential method that doesn’t require you to reveal your private information or personal secrets to your therapist and is carried out in a completely conscious state unlike hypnotherapy.

It doesn’t use hypnosis or any mystical concepts – it’s completely logical, practical and down-to-earth, and only requires you to know what you want to change in your life for it to be completely successful.

In an hour-long session, the client is guided to use their own thoughts  – without the therapist even needing to know these thoughts –  to help create a totally natural change that comes from your own mind. It is the perfect online therapy – and we have found it actually works better online than in person because the client is more relaxed at home.

It’s unlike other therapies where the therapist often determines how you should be feeling.  You are in the driver’s seat, completely in control.


BWRT® is a rapid therapy. Most problems are resolved within a couple of sessions and even complex issues are usually resolved within 4-5 sessions. Other forms of therapy can take months or even years to get the same results. 

How does it work? BWRT® changes old negative ways of thinking by intercepting the trigger thought at source and creating a new neural pathway so an emotion or event can no longer trigger destructive behavior patterns or thoughts that hold us back and leave us crippled by our fears and conditioning.

BWRT® has shown remarkable results for those who have undertaken it. You can even have BWRT® sessions on Skype or Zoom from your own home. It is just as effective. 

We offer a FREE initial consultation to answer any of your questions.

BWRT® treats:

anxiety, phobias, fears, depression, self-esteem, emotional eating, performance enhancement, addiction, PTSD and more…

Only Registered Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. Find out more at www.bwrt-professionals.com